
by Time of Day

The time is recorded from the moment the performance of the composition begins, unless the exact moment is unknown. In such cases, the time is recorded from the start of the concert.

The classification of the time of day can be quite arbitrary and subjective, varying through different lifestyles. The time listed is local to the performance's timezone. 

00:00-03:59 (Midnight-Early Morning)

04:00-06:59 (Early Morning)

7:00-09:59 (Morning)

10:00-11:59 (Late Morning)

12:00-12:59 (Noon)

13:00-15:29 (Early Afternoon)


24 Mar 2019
Performed at the Royal Theatre (Victoria, BC) - Main Lobby.


20 Nov 2022
Performed by the Longmont Youth Symphony as a part of their Autumn concert.


24 Nov 2019
Performed by the Victoria High Notes Flute Choir at  St. Andrews Angilican Church for the Canada Music Week Flute Spectacular


24 Nov 2019
Performed by Camilo Aybar, Patricia Kostek and Jack Edwards for The BIG IDEA Pride Celebration

15:30-16:59 (Late Afternoon)


14 May 2021
Performed by Camilo Aybar and James Yi to submit for Performing Arts BC 2021


11 Nov 2022

17:00-18:59 (Early Evening)


03 Jun 2019


26 Apr 2021
Performed by Camilo Aybar and James Yi at the Victoria Conservatory of Music's Wood Hall for a Collegium performance class.


12 Jun 2019


11 Jun 2019
Performed at Rockheights Middle School for the "Music in the Air" Year-End Concert.

19:00-20:59 (Late Evening/Early Night)


19 Nov 2022
WORLD PREMIERE of this movement given by the Hillsboro Symphony Orchestra as a part of their "Roaring Twenties" concert.


11 May 2019
Performance attempted as a surprise for the for the "Music in the Air" Year-End Concert at Rockheights Middle School.


01 Jun 2021
Performed by Camilo Aybar and Jany Lu at the Victoria Conservatory of Music's Alix Goolden Hall for the Winds and Brass Department Year-End Concert.


26 Jun 2022
Performed by Camilo Aybar and virtual accompaniment to submit for the final round of the National Canadian Music Festival, composition stream.

21:00-23:59 (Late Night)